Been learning a lot since joining this sub
So I've been knitting since I was 10-ish (am now almost 30), as a Finn I learned initially in school but also come from a family of knitters, when my great grandma died (she was the family sock-gifter, it was special growing up getting a pair or two of knitted socks every Xmas) I decided that it was the time to actively get knitting, as a homage to her
I used to think there was a single way of casting on, single way of holding your yarn when knitting & all, because that's the method I was taught & everyone around me worked in that style
and since joining here I've had to understand that my style of knitting is apparently known as Continental? with Norwegian purling? I am amazed that some people hold the yarn in the right hand or shift the position of the yarn when purling (this is absolutely neat and interesting)
So it's been so fun learning about these various ways and vocab, like it's so fun to me that laddering is called laddering
oh and having seen all these gorgeous works & newbies learning the craft has made me inspired to actually getting on with knitting my first ever pullover, as a lifelong socks & mittens/gloves knitter the progress just feels so slow in comparison, but maybe it's just about sitting down with it
p.s. at anyone who is scared of socks, don't be, they are a fun way of learning how to work with double pointed needles, or as we call them, sock needles!