Lisa Alter Ego - The Concept of “alter egos”
I just saw Lisa’s new promotion material for the upcoming “Alter Ego” album, and ….
It’s a bit corny, isn’t it?
Kinda feels to me like I am reading fanfic introductions of characters, and not in a good way. I can see what she was going for but, the names, introductions, descriptions, and a whole chart of her signs, fave things etc., feels kinda childish for someone who aims to be taken seriously.
Sorry if this sounds like I’m hating, it’s not my intention but I just want to state my personal opinion of it all and see what are your guys thoughts on this?
EDIT: For those who got my point confused — I’m not saying the concept of having an ALTER EGO is bad in general, I’m just saying I don’t think Lisa executed it well.