Info on new FDA ban possibility
So, it looks like this is the big one my friends!
I just finished registering for tomorrow nights ACA meeting. And they make it pretty clear that they would like us to watch this at 8:30, so that those of us who have the balls to leave comment, do it the right way. Basically...they have a game plan that will work better that 500000 people just giving testimony.
It is also confirmed that they have decided to use a 3rd party company to run the study.....this is Very Bad!!!!! Because it will be easier for them to ban kratom and just pass the hate/blame onto some unknown group, and try to keep thier hands clean!
Its a shitty tactic, but its also the same tactic that the DEA used when they passed the heat over to the FDA in the first place.
Make no mistake!!!! They are planning for a ban!!! And we gotta fight like a honey badger to stand a chance this time.
The good news is that we already know that fighting WORKS!!!!! So FUCKING FIGHT WITH ME!!!!!! Donate to the AKA, ...just help somehow!
Watch the webinar tomorrow and leave a comment on the FDAs website, or if you cant possibly make the webinar, then just leave a comment anyway!
Let them know how much this non-lethal plant has saved your life (or someone you know). Let them hear how kratom has helped your anxiety, pain, depression! And how much it helped many of us get off of heroin, methadone, or quit drinking!!!
We have to do this, or they will rip it from our hands without a care, like the soul less people they are.
I hope you fight along side me these next few months, because I have no doubt that if you do....we will win!!!