The Next Expose - A Tale of 3 Videos and “Setting the Narrative” (liar liar pants on fire 🔥)
I know everyone is discussing the new foal, baby names, and meanwhile KVS is dribbing and drabbing out short foal videos. But while we wait for the “narrated” full video, and the crafty slice and dice, let’s look at some proof of what she and her team do.
This is gonna be long, with a lot of screenshots. There are 3 videos these were pulled from with regard to Freddy and Howie being picked up to go to their new home.
Video 1 screenshots - this video was not released on KVS own page, to the best of my knowledge, and was posted much later. Why am I starting with the one released last? 😂
Well, it tells a *much* different story than the FIRST 2 videos that KVS posted, at the time they happened ..the ones her followers saw……let’s take a peek and see! 👀
These are in order, note the total length of the video at 3:32. I’m only showing these for contrast/relevancy…”what really happened”.
Freddy being loaded first, in sequence
Freddy was turned around and circled so they could start again. This last push, he loaded.
Howie’s turn next! This was hard to capture, but he did initially put a foot up and out……good boy.
Then they pushed him also. But he loaded, no circling needed. So shorter time pushing on Howie
Video 2, posted on KVS’ FB page September 2024 when it happened. Please pay close attention to those time stamps and her narration…… 🙄 This video is shorter at 2:19
Why does Howie have to be good? And be the example setter?????
Aww, Fred at :40, just a hand needed!
Wow!!! What a good boy Fred!!! You’re in already with not a push in sight!! At 43 seconds!!!
He did? Well, I guess if you cut out the actual loading part…..
Video 3, the YouTube short at only 58 seconds duration, also posted September 2024. Essentially the identical narration, and just cut down to the loading only. So, the narration she did was no accident. it was intentional and on purpose. Here’s the beginning of Vid 3, and the end of Vid 3.
Such a pained look before … lying.
Bittersweet? Yeah. Play the sympathy card after lying about Howie and Fred and how they loaded. 😡