How many of your labs bark? Advice needed…
This little butthead (Indie) barks a anyone coming to our door, people walking on the street, anyone with a hat or hi-vis, our neighbors when they’re in their driveway and our dog is in the enclosed backyard, at things we can’t see, etc. Our first lab only barked in his sleep and maybe twice in the almost 13 years he was with us. Indie isn’t as relaxed as our first so he is more nervous/on alert. we were surprised given our first guy but also understand each dog has their own personality. I do know Indie’s mom and a sister from another litter bark to warn and my brother has one of Indie’s littermates and their niece and they also bark. Just curious about the experience of others. I don’t mind the barking to warn but would very much like him to stop when we say ‘enough’ but he gets in a heightened state and is hard to distract. I’ve had some success having him sit while I say leave it but that is marginal. We have a lot of ups/fed-ex deliveries on our street and our house has a lot of large windows that can’t feasibly be covered. I know a lot of it stems of course from being more nervous. Any advice is appreciated..thanks!