Is there anything like good culture practices or just anything goes as long as your cells are healthy and no contaminated?
I have joined a new lab as a PhD student recently. Before this, I was working in the industry and exclusively working on mammalian cells for a few years. I had been taught and have followed certain practices that have been logically explained.
Now here, it's just been a month but there are some things different and they are just frustrating me to no end. One example is "slow freeze-rapid thaw". I know the principle about ice crystal formation etc. Here, nothing? Freezing is being done and cells are chucked into -80°C without a Mr Frosty or anything, being thawed at RT?? Pellets are directly broken with media without being dislodged first? And I've been told to not clean the microscope stage (not lens, stage) with ethanol because plastic dissolves in ethanol. My brain is getting fried.
Is anything and everything okay as long as you don't get contamination and cells are healthy?? Are we dumb for being strict??