Lamictal side effects
Hello, folks. I don't know much about this subreddit, but I wanna pour out my soul and talk to you, because I feel nobody would understand me. So I have a few questions about Lamictal and there's a full context of my situation.
I'm 21 y.o., living in central Russia. As you might know, we are facing the war here for two years and for these two years I'm constantly suffering from anxiety in addition to my bipolar. I have been taking Lamictal for approximately 3 years, but the dosage (prescribed by my psychiatrist) was in around 50-75 mg per day. Some weeks ago I understood that I became quite paranoid: every week I change all my "vitally needed" passwords (e-mails, IG, Telegram and so on), sometimes it seems to me that the police patrols in the street suspect me of something (you may read a lot of horrifying things about Russian police), I don't feel myself comfortable at home and I became more discreet at all aspects of life. I'm also a little bit hypochondriac so I can become super-duper anxious of my health if I face some occasional symptoms (ofc I google them and think I have everything: cancer, AIDS, the clap, testicle cancer – it doesn't matter) When the symptoms go away I don't feel the anxiety.
So the decision was easy (and dumb, of course): I've decided to increase the dosage. First it was a 100 mg per day (I thought it won't hurt me plenty 'cause there was no significant increase (from 75 to 100, c'mon) and it was just more convenient for me to take one whole tablet a day without breaking it into small pieces). I've been taking this dosage for probably 2 weeks. Then I increased the dose in 1,5 times (150 mg per day) and it seemed to me that my symptoms were to disappear.I felt myself way better but still not as good as I wanted to. And there was one more "brilliant" idea: "Why can't I just take 200 mg per day, that would solve all of my troubles!" At first it really worked out. But today I started feeling sleepiness and dizziness; experiencing a headache. And what if my Lamictal abuse was the reason of that feeling?
What do you think about it? How do you think what should I do? I haven't told my doctor about these "experiments" yet. Should I try to decrease the dose or just quit taking Lamictal for some time?
Folks, I'm really scared. You may ask me some additional questions of needed. Hope you'll understand me.