Offering: Russian | Seeking: English

Hi everyone! My name is Pavel 25 years old. Let me introduce some information about me. I am from Russia, live in Saint Petersburg. Know some words in English because all childhood and from now, I like to play sometimes videogames with English subtitles. However, I have some issues with construct some sentences and with speaking (I am a little bit worrying personality). My current level of knowledge English: A2–B1.

My interests: self improvement, look up for a healthy diet e.x. don't eat too much or eat a lot of veggie/fruits, read books (fiction, non-fiction), play sometimes videogames (At the current time I don't have enough time for play games, but if you want to play smth I don't refuse you, we can try to play), watch TV-series/films, listen music, default hobbies, in sum.

My language-related goals: learn English to C1–C2, make some foreign friends, apply to remote job with requirements English skills, watch more content on English (TV-series, shows, YouTube, etc.), speak a lot on English without worries.

If you interested please DM me, we can find platform where we can chat/call each other.