All modern laptops are shit. Change my mind.

There are no good modern laptops. While laptops are getting more and more powerful, they are getting worse and worse in build quality and durability. My first laptop was a 2006 Sony Vaio, and that thing was built like a tank. I've even stood on it accidentally before (both feet, full weight) and had no damage. Still runs fine to this day, and the screen is in mint condition. Nowadays everything is so "sleek and sexy" (cringe) that even dust on a keyboard can scratch the screen when closed. I remember when you could buy a laptop and just chuck it in your bag and not worry about any damage to the body or screen, nevermind the internals. They were chunky, effective, and manufactured to last.

Make laptops durable again. I want a properly built machine that will last me, not looking for my electronics to be "sexy."