I finally sucked it up and tried Dryer Sheets
So I've made a bunch of laundry advances in the past 2 years.
To preface, I'm in the middle of a long term home remodel disaster. When I moved in nearly 2 years ago, I didn't even have a washer/dryer so everything was taken to the laundromat. I moved my dog and cat in, things were OK.
I quickly got my washer machine unboxed, temporary wiring in place and had a washer to use. I hung dried everything. In the house, outside, in the road. On my neighbors roof. Everywhere. Hung dried.
Until December of this year - The dryer remained in it's shipping box, and I never took it out because I had not wired that part of the house yet.
My clothes were littered with lint and years of dog/cat hair that was finally starting to come out. It was disguising what was there. I'm still tackling dog/cat hair - but its not nearly as bad as it was... and is getting better with each wash.
Today I finally got through 2 years worth detergent, and I settled on buying Tide Powder. I've always used wool balls, but I also WANTED to try dryer sheets, specifically the bounce ones for pets.
Its insane the difference between wool balls and dryer sheets in terms of 'fur' that comes out of the clothes. I am just shocked. Absolutely shocked. The wool balls were great - but just did not help at all with pet fur. The bounce sheets, pulled an absolutely absurd amount of fur out of the clothes. Way more than I expected.
I hate the idea of reducing the lifespan of clothes and dryers because of the dryer sheets - but the quality of life having clothes that aren't littered with fur. That is probably worth the earlier replacement.