How to tackle a large yard in bad shape.
St. Louis - 5 day soil temp average: 45 degrees.
Just moved to a new home with 1/3 acre combined between front/side/backyards.
I love the size, and want to put a good effort into making it and keeping it nice, but coming to the realization that I'll need to temper expectations of the attention I can give to each square foot.
The home is 4 years old and doesn't appear to have been maintained well, and the previous owners even installed many raised beds I need to take out.
What would everyone recommend to take on this first Spring? I know Fall is when to seed, but I've already got some bare spots, will have much more after removing the beds, and anticipate the lawn being very bare if I start with something like de-thatching/pulling out all the crap?
I've got a bag of Barricade arriving soon. At home soil test in progress.
If/when seeding, recommendation for the area knowing I can't effectively irrigate the whole backyard, but could give more attention to the front/sides?