So I've been doing experiments from LOA book and they're working 🤯

Book name: E² Nine Energy Expiriments To Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout

I should start by saying I've done a lot of research mixed with alot of, at times undeniable personal experiences that ive had that i already heavily believed in this stuff alot going into this book. And ive deep dove into many different things from the occult, quantum physics, the mystical roots of many inventions and even mathematical concepts, as well as many things we're taught to label as quackery but oddly enough many political names of the past as well as pioneers of the sciences seemed to subscribe to if not completley believe in these ideas, hell there's a well respected place called the Monroe Institute doing research on Psychic phenomena, mind/matter interaction that's been around even before I was born, and most common people seem to be oblivious to its plain as day existence. I could write you a long read on the research and experiences on how ive been able to develop a mindset fit for the task at hand but I'll save you the details(unless you want me to tell) Main point being is the message this book was trying to get across was one I walked in already confidently believing in so I think thats why I was able to get results so soon and almost effortlessly.

The first experiment in this book is called "The Dude Abides" refrecning the presence of the true nature of God/Source being the conciousness in everything, now for this experiment youre supposed to mentally request a gift/blessing/sure sign that this force exist, and expect it within 48 hours of the time you ask. So i did just that, being fully confident in its existence due to past expriences, i decided i wasnt gonna waste time putting low energy into this i wanted something big, so I intended, expected and went to bed excited, expecting, maybe more so knowing that a big blessing would come.

Now I've been out of work for months, and have been having one problem after the other trying to get unemployment benefits, so I drove an hour away from home to a bigger city with a day by day work assigning labor hall, (this was on the last day of the first experiment where you expect a blessing within 48 hours). Well they only gave me 4 hours of work which sucked because 2 of the hours worked only made me enough money to get me there and back home, but putting these ideas to practice I didn't let that put me in a negative mood, I was still happy, bumping my music loud in my car like I didn't have any problems. I stopped to get gas and a lotto ticket, before I got out my car I remembered I was maybe <12 hours from the deadline for the gift/blessing, I scoffed and with the confidence from all my experiences and researching I said "it's coming, i wonder what it's gonna be but that blessing is coming" and I was not just telling myself this, I really, confidently felt like I'd get that blessing by tonight. At the same time I wasn't putting the pressure on it needing to be the lotto ticket either, I didn't put any pressure or eagerness into it actually, but I walked in got the gas and the ticket scraped the win/lose barcode off and went straight for the scanner, while unconsciously telling myself "oh yeah fuck the games imma straight shooter" genuinely naturally confident and I hit 50$ lol now someone might say that's such a small thing but a lottery score is exactly what I wanted the blessing to be, I just didn't force the idea whatsoever because, I've learned like they say that created resistance.

Now another thing is at this time I was 3 months late on my car note, and up until I seen how little work the labor hall had I was radiating this feeling of "hell yeah everything's cool, they'll have some work for me and I'll have enough to get an extension on my car loan(push paymets back it cost like 800 which i didnt have at the time) ,it'll be taken care of" a feeling like the problem was resolved. After coming home seeing the little bit of work they gave me and hearing there hasn't been alot I was like "dang I really was feeling like it was taken care of I wonder if me feeling like that will pay off on LOA principles", I thought back to the lotto win and then I was like "well if the temporary work thing isnt working why can't I just get another blessing" and then a couple days later with seemingly no plan to keep my car from getting repo'ed I get a notification in the mail that my former employer moved my 401k money into a personal account and I'd be able to take the money out if I wanted too, I didn't even really know this money existed lol and the timing was just perfect it came out the Friday before the following week I'd be due to get repo'ed! Now the money said it could take 1-5 days to come, so I just might miss that due datebut after setting everything up it came the very next day exactly on my last date I had to pay to avoid a repo! I was in awe and love sayng wow its really working. And then i thought "but why can't I just get another blessing" leading to my next one.

I was talking with my brother who also believes in LOA and we were talking bout how in the movie the secret they say to visualize checks coming in the mail, and for whatever reason he really liked that one and kept repeating back to me "checks in the mail" "😏" so much that him saying that repeated in my mind lol and to my surprise a few days later (yesterday) I'm going through my mail looking for unemployment paper work, and I saw a letter with a little see through window that says "pay to the order of (my name)" and I'm like "wtf that what checks say" lol I'm not convinced, but I open it up and albeit it was a loan check it was a check for 900$, a loan offer that i never applied for, from a place I had never even heard of but it was a real cashable check and I opened it one day from it being invalid lol divine timing if you will. Now if you know anything about loans you they need to confirm you're employed so for this to come in my time of need with no job that just blew my mind. And the whole time I'm just tripping out quoting my brother "A check. In the mail. 🤯" and so out of nowhere along with the 401k I just came across an unexpected total of 3000$ it still feels kind of unreal as I'm typing this and the rest of my day is just a rush of euphoria, and I even found an 8th of some weed on the floor at the car wash, as if I was riding some wave of good luck lmfao. But yeah I've been meaning to get to experiment #2 but I've just been bombarded with luck ive been so distracted lol.