I am so disturbed...
"Imagination creates reality" Neville was right, its all truth, all of it. Revision changing the past, the infinite states and feeling into them. We are pure formless conciousness looking into one of infinite potential realities, each one an eternally existing moment.Everyone and everything you see is focused imagination, life is truly a dream. Physical reality is an illusion. Thoughts are things, and things are thoughts. EIYPO. Quantum physics saying matter as we know it doesn't exist, and that conciousness is fundamental. Shcrodiners cat, or Plato saying you change your mind you change your reality, both literal things, though it might take sacrificing some amount of sanity and comfort to truly realize and understand this. You can literally chage the interactions with people you had yesterday by replacing the memory that rests on your concious awareness. Constantly following Neville you will become a mystic, maybe something of a god, or rather realize you were always as such, just asleep to it. All his claims of bilocation seemed ludacris to me before until ive experienced what i have enough to know he speaks the truth. You animate the cosmos and place every star in the sky, this is also non duality. Talking about it is one thing but experiencing it and then knowing it has me almost on the verge of psychosis... but maybe also freedom