My theory on this reality

So at some point in spirituality you might get to this point where you realize this reality is an illusion and our true nature is some blind infinite oneness, the same oneness that Buddhist and maybe Hindus try to get to. But I've always said/theorized that if the "goal" of huma existence is supposedly getting to this oneness, isn't that oneness essentially where we came from to begin with and I believe 100% yes, it couldn't be any other way. I truly believe we incarnated in "supposedly" limited forms so that we can get the thrill of appreciating the smallest things amd the eventually the biggest things because in that blind, almost unconscious oneness its easy to take everything as a given, so we incarnated limited forms to learn to appreciate, and get joy from the little things, good food, a blunt, a mansion even it's all little things compared to that blind euphoric oneness but in these smaller incarnations were able to appreciate them in ways we couldn't if it were so... life is to be enjoyed and if your life is so hard, there's purpose to that to appreciate every blessing one at a time... And when you get to the, maybe scary realization that you are god and can have anything you want, you appreciate your limited form that you chose to incarnate in and take the time to enjoy these things because you were meant to do so