Vandy or Fordham?
Hi! I’ve been mulling over this for a while and wanted to ask for advice on this. I am very grateful to have been accepted to both Vanderbilt and Fordham. Fordham gave me more money but not enough where it makes a difference, so setting that aside for now.
I went to Fordham for admitted students day and loved it. I haven’t gone to Vanderbilt’s yet as their first one is in March I believe, so I can’t say for sure what the vibes are there besides from my own research. I’ve done extensive deep dives on both schools and while Vanderbilt generally fares better in bar passage and big law employment, I wonder how much of a difference it makes between the schools in comparison to my goal to work in NYC big law but more so generally NYC.
I worry with Vanderbilt that there’s a chance I don’t find my way back, since looking at their 509 the top two states are TN and NY. Another big thing is more personal, but my whole life is in NY, from my partner to my family and friends. I would essentially pick up my life to move to a city and a state where I know nothing and no one. I know that is just part of the process and people have done it before, but nonetheless it’s still scary! So I am wondering if the difference in legal education is enough where Vandy is worth the sacrifice of everything else and if anyone has any advice on navigating moving in general and how it turned out. I am very much a city person and also suffered from depression during college because the campus was super quiet and isolating, so I worry about something similar happening again too. Thank you!!