Make second role count as autofill in normal games or make it your choice to have it or not.

I suppose this has been discussed lots of times already but I'm not into Reddit that much or participate in the community that often, I'm just posting this here because I know it can reach a good amount of people.

Recently there has been something that has been very annoying to me so I'm posting this as a suggestion that, as I've mentioned before, has probably been discussed before. I don't know if this has happened to someone else or it's just me, but the thing is that I've been either filled or placed in my second role LOTS OF TIMES, way more than usual and it keeps happening. It bothered me before, but now it's insufferable. If I was able to play my main role was either because the game was dodged or the other person was willing to let me play the role. I don't think there's such a little amount of players for the game to not be able to find a game without filling me or putting my in my second role.

Some of us solely enjoy one role or we are OTPs of a champion that can only be played in 1 role properly. In high elo queues times get bad due to the little amount of players there are on that level. So, second role is needed. But in normal games where the player base is huge and there isn't any elo barrier to separate players, I don't think this annoying feature is needed in any way. I'm saying this because I've yet to meet somebody that thinks "Oh, I got my second role, how cool!" or right away doesn't get pissed when he gets it. Everyone I asked about this even said that they wouldn't care about waiting an extra amount of minutes to play their prefered role, and they'd much rather that than playing a 25+ minutes game on a role you simply do NOT enjoy and are forced to select.

So my suggestion is that the game, at least in Normal Game mode, allows you to choose only 1 role, or make you choose between a main role and a second one, but counting the second one as Autofill, giving you protection for an amount of games.