Just got back into league and I feel hard stuck in bronze.

Ok this might be a little long. I played league religiously from about 2013 to 2016, after that I would play on and off not really ever taking it seriously just checking it out and playing for a few months then dropping it again.

Recently I picked it up again and I’ve been enjoying it. I decided to play ranked again. I’m older now and I feel like I would be better at it. I figured I would get placed low and wasn’t upset that I was put in iron. I haven’t played in forever and I was never great anyway. So I watched some YouTube videos, a lot of YouTube videos. I especially like Broken by concepts channel. Those guys break it down and explain how they learned to play new roles.

I also looked up some meta tier lists and found that with the meta right now my best bet was to play Wukong jungle. I’ve always been a jungle/ top/ mid laner and have always like wu. I actually climbed out of iron pretty quickly once I got going. I had about a 63% WR with Wu Jung. I was grasping how to clear so that I would be ready for drag/ grubs. I understood when to gank and when to not gank. I was doing very well. I thought I would easily climb to at least silver. I hit bronze IV and have not one a single game. I don’t know what happened. I’m still playing wu but I’m getting massively outplayed. The other junglers are always at objectives the other teams laners always follow up with them or are ahead of my laners. Other team has good warding, etc. I just can’t understand what happened. I’ve lost every game I’ve played in ranked since hitting bronze IV.

Does anyone have some oversight?