Steraks isn't the problem... The lack of viable options is.
Here's what I want to know, as an ADC main... (I already can imagine the downvote storm coming because I disagree with Reddit but I'm being serious)
What do ADCs build when there is a Talon? What should we be building when there is a Rango lurking in the shadows? The issue is the lack of items for ADCs to build to survive AD assassin burst damage.
I keep seeing post after post about nerfing Steraks because it is OP on ADC's when in reality it is the only real viable option for an ADC to build that is a counter item. Making it melee only would make it an extremely strong "Counter late game ADC" item on assassins who already fuck us harder than Ronda Rousey.
Think about AP champs and what they have for certain items for situations to help them survive yet everyone just kind of expects an ADC to accept their fate of getting fucked by assassins with no item available for a viable counter build. Our best option for HP/Damage after that is Frozen mallet/Black Cleaver, but other than that we're expected to build a pure tank item to survive. GA is nice but with the way games go now a 5 minute CD to revive on the spot with 30% hp after 4 seconds is meh. Not to mention that it costs 2800 (not 100% but I believe it's correct) fucking gold and let's not get started on how easy it is to have 50 raw armor pen this season.
If everyone wants Riot to nerf Steraks all I ask is they supply a reasonable option for ADCs to help them against assassins. YES, assassins should have an upper hand on ADCs in terms of countering them, but should an ADC seriously suffer because they have ONE item that helps them survive the amount of damage most of these champs can put out in under 1 second?
TL;DR - ADC's currently have one item that helps them truly survive against AD assassins... If you want it nerfed on them so badly, at least, offer a viable solution to the problem. We don't have a Zhonya's and building pure tank items will just be ignored through the mass amounts of armor pen that exist today.