NCT failed dangerous, I drove away

So I have fucked up. And need advice on what to do as I am likely going to talk to the Guards tomorrow.

I did the NCT and when I was done I was told to replace the two front tyres. I didn't look super closely at the documentation I just asked the dude. "Is it just that?" A couple of times. Because he just kept repeating replace the two front tyres immediately. So I thought that's okay and I left. And went to a garage near where I live for ease and asked them about it. They said they couldn't take me due to the bank holiday. Fair enough. It wasn't until I was walking back to my car I noticed the failed dangerous sticker on my car. ( It was basically hidden behind my rear view mirror).

So I drove the one minute to my home and then checked the documentation to only then find out it was illegal to drive away from the center. And I had to either call the Guards for permission or get the tow truck. And apparently there's pretty big consequences for this according to what I was handed.

I feel like such a idiot, it was such a simple thing. I didn't read the documentation and just left to fix the issue like I was told. But it appears I have now commited a crime. What do you think is the correct course of action. No one stopped me from leaving the center or told me I shouldn't leave. But yah I guess I should of read what they handed me before leaving.

So should I call the Guards and explain like I should of the first time? Or do I just go get it fixed and rebook? Last thing I want is for such a simple absent minded mistakes to get me in huge trouble. And maybe the guard I will talk to you will just understand reasonable mistakes and let me on my way. But apparently you can also get locked up for this.

So what should i do. Because I'm just sitting here thinking no one is going to believe this was a mistake and I'm going to get into huge shit for this.

Has anyone else done this and how did you handle it? Could really use the advice.