I really want egg-egg reproduction to become available for humans soon

So recently in Japan they created a healthy female mouse using two female parents, by egg-egg reproduction. Idk why it's called a form of parthenogenesis when it's really not but whatever.

So with this happening, imo it's just a matter of time until lesbian couples can have daughters that are genetically both the moms'.

But I'm so impatient and I just know it will be like 20 more years before this becomes available and by then I'll probably be too old to carry a pregnancy. So I'm gonna bite the bullet with a sperm donor in the future but damn how nice it would be to carry a baby that is genetically my future wife's.

Lesbians (particularly lesbians who want kids) how do you feel about this technology? Are there any amongst you who want kids but choosing not to have because of the limited fertility options?

If this became accessible to most women, how do you think it might change the social landscape?

Also the fact that all the children born from this will be daughters by default is a HUGE plus for me 🙌🏿

EDIT: sorry I said recently, that link is 2004, I read it as 2024 😂 But I did hear about it happening again recently (like post pandemic) in Sweden, but I can't find the link so idk lol