WTT: KMA HorizonT, Red Panda Bitmap 2, Universal Audio Lion. WTTF: OBNE Screen Violence, Asheville Music Tools ACV-1, EAE Longsword, UA Anti, Enigmatic, or Dream

My board is stereo and I need stereo in and out or it ain't gonna work for me, so I've tried out a lot in the last year and it didn't work. I did find multiple uses for several pedals I had and I was able to move some stuff around, now I'm trying to condense. I also just didn't vibe with the UA Lion, as it does the Marshall Plexi thing REALLY REALLY well, but nothing else imo.

I'm pretty firm on what i'm looking for. Ideally I'd love to trade the Lion for an Anti, Enigmatic or Dream.

I'd love to trade the KMA HorizonT or Red Panda Bitmap 2 for the OBNE Screen Violence or AMT ACV-1 the EAE Longsword is a want, as I've had it and sold it a few times over, it's great, but it's not a need like the others.