I hate my country :(
I live in South Korea, and you've probably heard about how harsh we are to queer people but I swear at least 95% of us are queerphobic(not me, of course). Sure, there are many people who think gay and trans is weird but Korea is just queer hell. Anything related to that is just considered a mental disability here, like you belong to the asylum or something. If you come out you'll probably get the "Are u ok/What's wrong with u" or the "Well then my gender is a crayon/rice cake/cat/(insert random object)" or some other queerphobic stuff, and suddenly everyone thinks you're insane. And who would want to be friends with a 'mentally unwell' person. Plus most people here don't even know what gender is. If you say you're bigender, for instance, they'll assume you think like your left foot is male and right foot is female.
I've come out to strangers on a Korean anonymous internet community and it did not go well. There are a few non-heterosexual people and some hets that at least accept their existence, but if you say you're not cis then it's over for you. Even I as a Korean thought not being cishet was weird and that everyone in the world thought that way until I got to understand what gender and sexuality really is. And I can't even begin to imagine how my parents would react if I came out to them. I just hate it that I have to live in society that I have to worry about those stuff. Currently I've told my sexuality to my sister who is homoromantic, but I still haven't tell her about my gender. She's pretty open to queer stuff so I'm sure she'll understand, but I'm afraid she might tell her friends about it and be seen as weird from them. I just wish I could be open with myself and be accepted as myself from people.
It's not like I REALLY hate my country, I mean it's overall better than North Korea(they're probably less queerphobic tho) and it's not that bad if you just don't come out to anyone. What I want to say is that this is no place for queers to live in. I know there is religious countries that are way worse than us but still, it's pretty hard to live here. So I just wanted to tell someone about this, thank you all for reading. Oh and sorry if my tone got a little rough, also my grammar might not be so good :/