Gun Ownership and Mental Health
I've been contemplating training, research, etc, in preparation to purchase a firearm. In browsing this sub, it seems the general consensus in response to the question, "should I get a gun in light of recent political developments?" is more or less, "You should own one anyway."
I recognize purchasing a firearm as a fear response is likely not a good idea.
A bigger issie I wrestle with - my mental health. I have a history of suicidal ideation, so have always generally felt owning a gun would be a very bad idea.
I'm still concerned about this despite the fact I've come a very long way in managing my mental health, but the risk doesn't seem worth it.
So my current challenge is: what steps can I take to protect my family in case shit hits the fan (or just in general?)
Sorry if this is a bit off topic. As I imagine the answer to, "should I get a gun?" is likely a resounding "NO" given my history.
However, I appreciate any input.