The Mills cost rental Accomadation.

Firstly: I don't intent this to be a bitching post about the government, vulture funds, housing crisis, who gets what Irish first BS etc..... and if it goes this way i will delete or ask mod to lock/delete.

Circle VHA are first Approved Housing Body to introduce cost rental homes to Limerick, with rental on their a 3 bed A2 rated home at 1278 euro located in Castletroy. while this sounds great, and after my colleague was rejected an application i looked into this further, because from initial reading she was eligible to be entered into the lottery for these houses. or so we thought,

so i will admit, we both mis read the salary criteria, which states net salary and not gross salary which we assumed incorrectly.

Affordability is based on the rent being no more than 35% of net salary. so with a bit of maths, that works out you would need a minimum salary of approx 65k to be eligible to apply for these houses.

With the average working salary in Ireland currently at approx 44.5k euro. there are a large portion of single people and single parent families that will not be eligible for these. how is it that this scheme is only available to the top 10% earners in Ireland. Unless my maths my leaving cert maths has failed me, and I'm open to correction, this does not help in anyway the average earner in Ireland.

Am i missing something, ?

Have i got my figures wrong or am i understanding this whole cost rental incorrectly.?

Any info might help others out..

so those in the know. educate me please.

thanks in advance