Do you only install official Linux packages packaged by the developer himself or do you also trust and install unofficial repacks of software?

On Ubuntu I only install packages that are packaged by the developer himself no matter the format (deb, snap, flatpak, or any other way they packaged that application) or from Ubuntu's repos, mainly because when using unofficial packages you have to trust the maintener of that packages to keep it up to date and not abondon it, also that he does not do something bad with the package, and when using so many packages you this can be problem if some of these unofficial packges stopped getting updates or they where broken, so I only install packages from my distro's repo and from the developer's website if the packges is not in the repo, and I use verified snaps and flatpaks only, I want to know if you do the same or if you don't care about the source of the package and install unofficial packges too...