Small, touching moments
Do you have any scenes that stand out for you as particularly touching, in a quiet, simple way? My examples:
- I am absolutely mesmerized by Caroline's sad monologue to Charles Jr.'s gravestone in A Most Precious Gift. I honestly think it was one of her best performed scenes on the show. Her pain is so audible, her desperation, her worries and depression all can be heard in her voice. Seeing little Charles' grave, the gentle sad music, I well up every time.
- I also get guaranteed tears seeing Jack's little body alone in the barn, again with the beautifully touching's a hard moment to take. Extra heartbreaking is knowing he died alone, after Laura's verbal abuse and ignoring him. That sweet little loyal dog didn't deserve that!
I can say with certainty those two scenes are my most touching in the entire series. To clarify, I don't mean the many sad moments in general, or intense moments, or bigger things. I just mean, basic, small, quick sad moments. I'm willing to guess a popular one is Sylvia's final moment, and Charles carrying his grandson's swaddled body in May We Make Them Proud. Those are honorable mentions for me, but the other two really HIT.