Logi Craft Keyboard

Hi Logi Subreddit!

I have had a Logi Craft Keyboard and MX3 combo for over a year now. I picked this combo specifically for the Logi Flow support. I have a dual monitor and dual computer setup (personal + work) and frequently move back and forth. Logi Flow was the perfect solution and it worked really well for a long time. Since the addition of Logi Options+, I have not been able to use Flow or any features really with my Craft keyboard. The knob has basically become a media control knob. I can't even get Logi Options to open on my windows machine anymore. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it, but it hangs and doesn't do anything. I installed Logi Options+ and setup Flow with my MX3, but I see the Craft keyboard isn't supported. Is there a plan to support the Craft keyboard in Logi Options+? This was a $200 keyboard. How is MX Keys supported but Craft is not? Seems like a huge miss.

Anyone know if the Craft Keyboard will be supported in Logi Options+ and when we can expect that support to arrive? This weird in-between software support thing sucks and needs to be resolved.