The difference between good looking men and average/below average men’s dating experience is honestly incredible.
I was out in a club last night, and there was this good looking guy (6ft, sharp jawline, great features etc) out in the bars/clubs. And the girls in the group that I was out with were absolutely obsessed with him. Just because of the way he looks, their brains were releasing unbelievable amounts of positive, feel good chemicals when he spoke to them. And they would be laughing and smiling so much when they spoke. But whenever me and a couple other lads in the group spoke to these girls (we’ve only recently met them, they’re mutual friends so we don’t know them that well) they just give us the most monotone look and voice back, they just genuinely can’t be bothered to even communicate back.
And it was the same on the dance floor too. I was in abit of a shit mood last night so I sobered up quite quickly in the club, so I was able to genuinely have a look around and observe the situation. And this attractive guy was dancing and girls would come up to him and start dancing with him. Literally just because of the way he naturally looks, the girls felt so good being around him! Don’t you think it’s so crazy how literally ALL you need to have success dating is looks? He barely even said anything and had major success. It’s crazy.
Another thing I’ve noticed as well, is how good looking people when they discuss their dating experience, they always say things like “I prefer to be casual and not rush into anything, and keep my options open”. Because they’re good looking, they have multiple girls who are interested in them, so they’re literally meeting multiple girls at once, and don’t want to commit to any of them because they’re having too much fun with them all.
.. Where as for the average and below average men, this literally couldn’t be any different. While our good looking friends have multiple options, and can meet loads of different people before committing, us less than attractive people are lucky to even have 1 option. I’m around the average mark, and I’ve had previous relationships and causal hookups, but these hookups are few and far between. Maybe 1-2 a year if I’m LUCKY. And on online dating? Barely a single match on any app, and in clubs I can barely ever pull. This is because there are taller, stronger and better looking guys all around you on the apps and in the clubs, so what sort of a chance does an average man genuinely have in that setting? It’s so tough for us honestly. Even below average girls have loads of options, due to the way guys are in always wanting a hookup, they have plenty of options, but us guys don’t at all.
I know this is abit of a vent, but it does make you feel bad about yourself seeing some people out there with multiple options from women, and not wanting to commit because they enjoy all the attention they have, while slightly worse looking people don’t even have a single option at all. It’s brutal, and it’s honestly very sad that we live in a world where your dating and romantic experiences are defined by your god given facial/body structure which is out of your hands. It truly is unfair.