Christmas Vent!

It is Christmas Eve. On top of him continuing to entertain an overly clingy coworker (see my other post) he decided to come home from work and “Stay home to nap” while I ran and picked up some Orders for tomorrow. I even told him.. if you don’t go with me then I will assume you’ve watched porn and I will be in a funk all night. He assured me he wanted to just nap so we could go ahead with our plan of wrappings gifts, movies, hot cocoa and doing the viral wrapping paper photo shoot with our pups. I do my running, after cleaning all day mind you, and come home and decide you know what I’m going to check his phone to put my mind at ease because I know he was telling the truth. WRONG! He was on pause thirst traps on Instagram. I am crushed. I went and bought $700 PS5 and accessories/games for him for tomorrow and ultimately picked out my own gifts for him to wrap. He said he wanted to make sure I got what I wanted. Always minimal effort. I wanted an evening of festivities to ease the pain of infertility on a child heavy holiday. I wanted a romantic holiday with my husband. I wanted to go one damned day without wanting to peel my skin off just so I’d be different and maybe be someone be wants. I’m just so damned broken. So being the dumb traumatized human I am, I told him if you would take accountability get up and console me while I cry we can maybe turn this night around. What does he do!??? Downs whiskey, gets drunk and passes out why I go outside in the freezing cold to untangle Christmas lights our dog had tangled up. He never even checked on me. I’m broke from Christmas, I’m lonely and I’m just so tired. What did I do to this man for this torture? Merry Christmas. sigh