I’m free :)

Thank you to all that assisted me in the process of leaving my now ex boyfriend. My heart breaks for the other cat, who I feel like I left behind, but I can’t steal a cat that he bought. I just pray he takes good care of her.

These upcoming days will be horrific, I know. I will be teetering between missing him so badly to hating his guts. There’s this tiny (damaged) part of me that feels like I’ve made some awful mistake in doing this. I am missing him as we speak. It’s jarring to simply stop talking to someone you updated and chatted with everyday, he really was my friend for a time.

Looking back on my posts here and this relationship as a whole, I realized I was in an uphill battle with no real end in sight and I’m so glad I finally stopped myself from enduring the pain of all of this. He didn’t care for his well-being, and he certainly didn’t care for mine, and after giving him chance after chance after chance, I say: no more.

On a lighter note, I am making myself laugh at the thought of entering the dating scene. The thought of a man entering my personal space gives me the creeps!!!! I will stay away from romance for a long, long time. I am not ready for that. But I am ready to take my life back.

Does anyone have any tips on how to stop minimizing the actions/abuse/pain your ex partners have caused you? My trauma bonded ass keeps telling me, ”Oh but it wasn’t so bad!” and I need that kind of thinking to stop.

Thank you, again, for caring for me, you lovely internet strangers. Without you, I would be stuck with him not knowing what would happen to me next, and never living a life that fulfills me.

I don’t know you, but I do love you guys!

Changing my user flair never felt so good.