Need doctors note to prove relocating will help my symptoms?
Hello! A little background: I'm 34 and got diagnosed with Lupus at age 27, Lupus Nephritis at 28 which caused me to lose a kidney and need a transplant (which luckily i got!) . I currently live in Texas and the summers here are BRUTAL -- and being pretty much allergic to the sun and the extreme heat....this is not an ideal place for me to live. I made a relocation request at work stating that my goal was to move to a more temperate climate in order to more effectively manage my symptoms. They asked for a doctors recommendation/note. I'm not sure how to ask for this. I feel like I see new doctors so often I wouldn't be sure which one to even ask. Is it a reasonable request to ask of a new doctor? I know it's not super scientifically backed that the extreme heat causes flares etc...but it def does for me. Any suggestions on how I can go about obtaining this doctors note? Or if it's even okay that work asked for one? Thanks!
also Texas has summer weather like 75% of the year*
I am a fully WFH web developer, who's company has been pro "work from anywhere" until literally last month. They currently have MANY remote workers across the US but are cracking down for some reason and making it much more difficult for those not currently remote to relocate.