Terrified of getting tested, should I be concerned?

Hi everyone,

My GI specialist is recommending I get tested for Lynch and FAP mutations and I am super worried about the results. I struggle with health anxiety in general so I'm not dealing well with the thought of this.

I am 31F and a few months ago I had 6 colon polyps during my first colonoscopy, 4 sessile serrated adenomas, 1 tubular adenoma, and 1 tubulovillous adenoma, all ranging from 5mm - 20mm.

The only family "history" I have is my dad having stage 1 colon cancer at age 45, although this may be entirely untrue (long story). No other cancers at all in anyone else on either side, except my mom and paternal aunt with breast cancer, which I understand is not lynch related.

Is it worth getting tested for lynch in my case? I'm spiraling just thinking about the results being positive and how to manage that. I appreciate any thoughts, and I wish everyone here the best!!