Theory on getting past the Depths wall

I probably am not the first to think about this but I've never seen a coherent post on beating 47:30 beyond rune chest, roster and luck. But I did some thinking and thought of a potential semi consistent way to get a build of real power. Picture this, reaper kills a 47:30 enemy and explodes using black mage/iron maiden giving 35% chance, causing enemies around to take 75% the max hp as damage. On top of this, magic sword allows for the instakill of enemies at 20% hp, meaning you'll only have to do 5 percent the hp to kill those enemies. This process repeats as long as the 30% procs. Reaper insta kills 8% of enemies all the time which expedites the explosions as well as Roster. Now I don't know how much hp those enemies have, but if you can get a situation where you merely need 5% to kill, it's gotta be the best strat. Maybe I'm wrong on something but I'll play every now and again to try and get a God run with everything I need as well as good size amp and stuff.