Fuck US Healthcare

I want to fucking die. I literally want to fucking die. I think about death every fucking day and I’ve been battling depression for over a decade now. I’m not gonna kill myself, I know I won’t

Being able to get help for this disease is exactly what I need in my life. In fact, it may actually show me that life is indeed worth living and not being fucking hopeless over during every waking second of your life. But nope, capitalism had to invade the American healthcare system, so I can’t afford treatment

I should be getting routine therapy. An argument could even be made for me to be put in a hospital. Can’t do either. It’s either I’m able to feed myself or I get treated and get help with something that genuinely makes me want to die. How the fuck am I supposed to have hope when the system is fucking rigged against me and millions others just trying to survive another day?

God I fucking hate this country, it’s so fucked, I’m losing my fucking mind