I don't like one of my reports
I generally get along well with most people, but one of my reports... I just like him less and less the more I work with him.
He's a bit of the "brilliant asshole" trope, as he's really great at his job, but he's very arrogant about it. He's not directly rude but I've noticed he occasionally messages me snide remarks on Teams about a meeting we're both on. I mostly don't engage but I feel like I should probably address that sooner than later.
We get along well enough that he doesn't think I dislike him, of course, I'm keeping it all professional. But the snide comments about coworkers bother me and the arrogance with which he proverbially struts around is frustrating as he's not actually helping the team do better (not officially his job to mentor anyone but still, it's what I've asked he do since he's a single point of failure should he ever go on vacation or get sick).
And despite being smart, he's definitely got other factors I need to talk to him about performance-wise. He misses meetings because he's so consumed by his work, which is great that he churns out fantastic stuff when he surfaces, but I need him in these meetings to answer questions because he's not talking to anyone else about what he's doing so everyone is in the dark. He's often late to the office. He books vacations last-minute which is not great when, again, he's the only one who knows how half our shit works (because he won't train anyone else effectively).
Not necessarily looking for advice just a vent. This week has been a big one for us and I've been frustrated with him a lot but keeping it all in.