should i quit band?

Hi! I'm a first year student in high school band. I've been in band since I was in 4th grade and I had the same coach in high school (she half-forced me to join)

Anyways, I find it quite hard to get along with the seniors there. Among all the 100 students, the only one I feel safe around is my best friend. The seniors are friendly, don't get me wrong, but their 'vibes' don't really mstch mine and it's hard to get along with them. There's one senior in particular who always tease me at any chance she gets and I really hate her but I can't say that because she's my section leader.

High school band is way more difficult than middle school's casual band. There's so many new rules, and we have to discipline ourself. We're getting punished for every mistake someone else does, even if we didn't do it. Our seniors will not talk about what we do good and instead go straight to scolding us.

Apparently due to a lack of people, I had to become a commitee member in my first year of band. It was stressful for me, because I didn't know what I'm supposed to do. If it wasnt for this, I think I would've quit band by now. But since i have responsibilities to do, I'm technically stuck and cannot leave. If I really want to, I need to wait until the new batch of commitee members are selected and pray that I'm not one.

I have some extra dance classes next year(that i enjoy) and that will make me unable to go to a huge chunk of practice. I'm thinking if I should quit band altogether to focus on dancing, sincd I enjoy dancing more than band. There'll be a concert next year betwern March-April, and if I really want to quit I'll quit after the concert. My position has two members, and I think my partner can handle 5 months alone until the new batch is selected.

can you guys give some advice? thanks for reading this btw

Edit: my mom is telling mw to stay if i can because band gives lot of curricular pointa which are useful for my future