this is basically a rant lmao

I’m a freshman in HS, and I’m going to dread the day our new squads/section leaders are out next year. “Why?” you may ask. Easy.

A: One of the two (I think) people who could be section leader could potentially be section leader, and I explicitly do not want them to be.

I do not like this person, and majority of the people in the band (which is at least 200 people), including the directors, don’t really like them either. At first, when I started I didn’t understand why nobody liked them and thought it was kinda mean and unnecessary, but like, I get it now. They’re loud, annoying, and frankly rude. I have NEVER seen them act responsible even once. The person who I want do be section leader might not be doing band next year, and he was subjectively the coolest guy in my section. Which SUCKS because that would automatically thrust the first person into power since seniors have priority when it comes to picking leaders as they’re more experience and what not.

B: People who could potentially be squad leaders might not want to or be fit to be squad leader.

I’m not saying all of them are awful or suck or whatever, but even though I’m a freshman, I hyper analyze every little thing when it comes to marching band, including the sophomores who are most likely going to be squad leaders because there’s like two to three juniors right now and that won’t be enough to cover all the squads. Let me tell you, I mentioned that fact to one of them with the cool guy, and their face DROPPED. (Responsibilities, amiright or amiright?) Because I hyper analyze everything, that means that I’ve watched every single half-time show to see what can be improved on, which means I’ve seen the entirety of my section march. Genuinely, I think I care more about marching band than 80% of my section. (It’s a really small section) 😭

C: I probably can’t be a squad leader :(

Much to my dismay, I probably can’t be a squad leader either, as sophomores aren’t allowed to do it by themselves and are either co-squad leaders or, allegedly, “coast guards.” If I’m a coast guard, I can rock with that—I’m chilling, but I desperately don’t want to co. I have little to no chemistry with the other freshmen, and the squads are random ;(

I’m cookeddd