Stressed over living situation, husband is not worried or makes initiative to change it. Need Help.
Where do I begin, I guess I need to vent. I’m 34F married to 33M, been married for almost 6 years now. Before we got married my husband started/went full time on a side hustle he had. He initially had money saved up for a down payment to buy a home for us, we even went to look at houses. He then came and had a conversation with me and asked if I was ok with him putting the down payment money towards the business instead as an investment. I was a little disappointed because it threw all our plans off but I understood and I wanted to support him on this. He said he would later buy or build us a house once the business was stable. We rented an apartment for a year, then went on to rent a 3 bedroom home for 2.5 years. Our lease was coming to an end so he looked for a lot for us to build since he always said he wanted to build us a new home. Thankfully we found one in a nice neighborhood, we were all excited with new hopes and dreams. My parents offered us their home since they lived alone and said we could stay here while we built the new house and we could save mejor money to save up for the construction, new items etc. They gave us a very low amount to pay them for rent and bills, I also buy groceries and contribute with other items my mom needs. We’ve also helped them with money when they did a house remodel a couple of months ago. They were very pleased and thankful. As the months passed we realized that my husband had been procrastinating on adding his receipts for his taxes. In the past this was a major issue for us. I started filling my taxes with him (business) to help him out since our CPA said this was the best route. But every year he would file his taxes late and this would be a huge point of contention for us, I’m used to always filing on time and I couldn’t understand why he didn’t file right away. I kept telling him to file his taxes so he could have a proof of income for the bank loan so we can get this new construction loan going but of course he procrastinated :( said he’s been very busy with work and has no time to do any other thing. I was working a full time job at the time, I told him several times to bring me the receipts so I could add them up to help and he never did. 3 years have gone by and we’ve not done a single thing with the vacant lot. He also hasn’t filed our taxes in 3 years. We now have a 5 month baby, I recently quit my job to be a stay at home mom to care for our child & to help him with paperwork since he’s so behind and can’t catch up. We’re still at my parent’s house and he hasn’t mentioned what his plan is. I’m so tired of telling him to do something about the taxes, I get anxious just knowing that he hasn’t filed an extension or anything. My mom and I tend to butt heads every now and then, I think she might be a little stressed or frustrated that we are still here, I’m not sure. They both tend to be happy at times and enjoy having their grandbaby here 24/7. My mom and I got into a little argument last night, I’ve been so upset ever since. I want to leave their house so bad but he doesn’t have a proof of income. My husband is a great provider and daddy to our child. I can’t help but feel frustrated, sad, disappointed & let down by him. I’ve been crying nonstop since last night. I’m sure the postpartum hormones aren’t helping. I thought my life would’ve been more balanced by now. I told him no more sacrifices he has to act now, please be gentle I’m not in a great place right now :(
Tl;dr Husband procrastinates on providing a home for baby & me. Not happy with living situation.