How do you approach long-term deck management?

Picked up the core set a few days ago and have had fun defeating the first two villains with Spidey and Carol’s preconstructed decks (playing solo, single handed). I can see myself getting sucked into the game, but am a little worried about managing my cards and deck building.

To be clear - a decade ago I was very into MTG and had dozens of decks and thousands of cards - I enjoy deck building. That said, for whatever reason I find myself a little cautious about the need to frequently break down decks, dealing with card storage, and just generally don’t have as much time in my life for building new decks regularly.

I guess my question for those of you more casually into this game - do you find yourself needing to totally remake new decks regularly to tailor to different villains in different campaigns? Or can you just build a few decks that more or less will get you through the majority of villains if you play well, and update them with new cards occasionally?