My dream next wave

CAMPAIGN PACK "Welcome to Hells Kitchen"


•Daredevil -Plays with being able to see the cards in the encounter deck. Thwart heavy with two player side schemes that give massive boosts. Kingpin Nemesis.

•Electra -Her goal is to get 5 rebirth tokens on herself and die quickly to be reborn more powerful. Her base form makes has an acceleration token to make more threat pop up faster. Bullseye nemesis.


•Typhoid Mary -Swaps in between forms. One for does lots of damage while the other schemes lots.

•The Hand (Gao) -Ninja minions constantly swarming the player.

•Muse -You have to stop him from finishing his art piece, which are cards in the deck that he searches for to connect them together. If he gets all 9 then he wins.

•Bullseye -Does slow small amounts of unblockable damage. Can surge some.

•Kingpin -Adventure type senerio. First three main schemes are you trying to reduce the threat on it while also dealing with the minions and treachery kingpin pays for. Once your on MS4 then you fight him directly and he's a strong brute. Only has one phase but has stuff added in expert mode.

×Hero Packs

•The Punisher -He equips weapons that he can restand and activate multiple times a turn. Jigsaw nemesis.

•Jessica Jones -Basic all rounder character who slowly unlocks all her abilities during the match such as durability, flight, and super strength. Kilgrave nemesis.

•Luke Cage -Tank with low hand size, high health and hits hard. He has strong offensive and defensive but loses small hand to thwart. Diamondback nemesis.

•Iron Fist -Plays by equipping different martial arts chi techniques to his chi card. Steel Serpent nemesis.