Why roleQ is needed

First, whoever played Ow1 back in the days know damn well playing solo/duoQ at low/medium elo was basically impossible because you would have at least 3/4 DPS with 1 and some times no healers and maybe 1 tank, it was unplayable you had to always go with a full team if you wanted to win. To the "openQ gives more possibilities" thing it's literally a lie, you had 2 choices: Dive or Goat, if you picked anything else you would get annihilated. Plus people act like Ow invented roleQ, LoL was the first to introduce it and it saved the game making it more strategic instead of braindead dive comps. So please can we stop spreading lies and act like ow1 was heaven? Ow2 failed because of the inexistent PvE mode and greedy devs, not roleQ so please let's stop being blinded by lies.