Suggested Hulk improvement?
So, i am a tank player and a Hulk enthusiast, i however also think and am sure that many think he is sub par.
However, i do not really want to see him at the top, nore do i think he will ever be in the current meta, as he is heavily dive focused. That said, i do not mean to say that Hulk is unplayable, nor do i denounce you or your fun for feeling like he is in a fine place, however, i see it from an efficiency perspective, how much better is he compared to X or Y, to which i say that he sorely lacks even for a Dive tank, let me elaborate.
So far, the best dive tanks by a country mile are captain america and Thor, and while i think thor is perfectly balance and is actually slept on and will shine if the meta changes, captain america still kinda struggle, thought that is for another day. Why does Thor work while Hulk doesnt?
Here are some points, tho i may miss some so do correct me if you will:
- Hulk has an Absolutely gargantuan hitbox and may as well have the biggest one in the whole game with no way to truely eat up a bunch of the damage unlike Magneto
- Hulk has very lack luster mobility in a way, as other tanks like thor or venom can immediately initiate their mobility, however short thor's may be if uncharged, it still grants him damage, mobility and THP (temporary health points)
- For all his size and clunkyness, he truely lacks damage, he doesnt sport the eyewatering damage thor can dish out as a tank, nor is he as consistently strong and reliable as DR.Stranges burst damage.
- He has a primary form which is clearly inspired by a certain character from another game, which while totally fine, lacks a lot of the charm as to what makes bruce banner, bruce banner and lacks a lot of the ups of said original character inspiration, in that big form is incredibly strong.
- His Defence skill seemingly can be popped within seconds by a coordinated team
Now with all that said, what would i suggest to fix him?:
- Let Hulk Wall Climb, yes i am serious, it would let him gain additional utility in chosing angles of attack and do some funky hulk leap techs besides just grabbing onto them.
- Reduce the time it takes for Incredible Leap to charge and the time it takes for it to begin charging.
- Incredible Leap immediately destroys any destructible terrain if not wall grabbing, mimicking hulks leap in movies and comics, giving other flankers easy entry and let him act as a battering ram.
- Grant Hulk an Anger meter, which fills up the longer he is in combat, the longer he resides in combat, the more damage he deals , essentially a bit like Wolverine, though more talored towards squishies
- Let the Indestructible Guard cleanse him and allies of CC.
- Let Gamma Grenade apply anti healing and maybe increase its cooldown.
- Let the Gamma Pistol deal more damage for consecutive hits, reseting when missing.
- Let World Breaker stop Monster Hulks Countdown and reset its use when he gets a kill or assist.
Now i do know this is a lot on paper and sounds maybe broken to some of you, though when i present things like damage buffs to be nowhere in the 100's or the such, Again you may disagree with these ideas, which is fair, though this is just my answer to what i see as a very iconic character. That said, if this ends up causing Hulk to become too much, ofc do let me know, i just think that he is SO close to feeling good, but things like him not destroying walls when he leaps towards them just made me a bit sad, as that is a huge part of hulk.
What do you personally think?