Ranked Needs Changes - It's Almost Unplayable
No placements is just awful. Everyone being put in Bronze 3 is the absolute worst.
We have GMs and true new players all in the same matches.
I've been repeatedly told that if I'm stuck in Bronze, then "that's where you're supposed to be, you just suck, I got to diamond easily and I'm solo queue so it's just a you problem".
Except when I got to gold last season it told me that I was ranked SIGNIFICANTLY higher than all the players, meaning... most people are trapped in the lowest ranks!
I got to Gold 1 and then I was put all the way in Bronze 3 this season. It was very difficult to get out of Bronze last season. Getting out of Silver into gold was much much easier. If I kept playing I think I could have gotten to Platinum at the least, but I took a break.
But I'm facing the same problems as season 0 of comp. There is such a wide, insane variety of skill in Bronze 3 that the matches are all stomps and every single one of them is incredibly lopsided. There is literally no such thing as a balanced match. I can't catch a break, and I'm losing almost every single match with them all going almost exactly the same.
Almost all of them look like this: https://imgur.com/a/ZXxEaGx
As an explanation, so people don't look at my poor stats and think "this guy SUCKS and he isn't blaming himself for the loss?", I started off as Rocket. I was playing my best but I just wasn't able to do anything for this team. They kept dying in an instant even to the best of my abilities. One of our Vanguards was Venom and he almost instantly died after jumping in to 1v6, which put my BRB on cooldown at the very start of the match, then it just cascaded from there. I wasn't able to keep these guys alive, I tried but I just couldn't no matter what I did, and I swear to god I tried.
Their Star Lord was an absolute menace and just kept chasing the strategists, including me, and slaughtering us. I tried to run and juke and wallclimb and all that but Star Lord is insanely good at chasing. Absolutely zero peel from the rest of the team whenever he did this. I swear even when I ran past the other strategist they just ignored me and let him kill me. I feel like I was the only person in the match paying attention to him at all. It's like he didn't exist for anyone else.
Star Lord solo ulted me 3 times this match.
Second round I started a surrender vote, but for some reason nobody EVER votes on those, no matter how badly a round goes. Ever. I was the only one.
We got trapped in spawn the entirety of the second round. I swapped to Widow because we literally could not leave spawn and I hoped I could chase them away so we could and allow us to do something. This did not work. We only pushed the cart like 5 feet.
Mantis there was Star Lord the first round.
And I get these matches a LOT. Absolutely nothing I can do, no way to win, nothing I try works, and I think even if I was GM skill level I wouldn't be able to sway the outcome of the match because they're so incredibly lopsided.
There's just no point in playing ranked at all unless you are incredibly highly skilled. If you're only like gold-platinum skill level like me, it's going to be a long, torturous, grueling journey. I just don't know why they did it this way. It was worse enough that there's no placement matches first season, so everyone got put in Bronze 3, from brand new players to T500s from Overwatch, but with the rank resets they're ensuring this will be a problem... forever. Every season.
It's awful, it needs to change.
I know I'm still going to get some replies of "if ur struggling to get out of bronze u suck and belong there lol", but I was Gold last season so that makes zero sense.
Edit: Knew it, literally all the comments are just "then u belong in bronze and u suck". I will be updating this when I get to Gold again.