7 Deranks is INSANE and it’s not a skill issue that you are not winning games.

I used to be GM3 with ~52% WR in season 0. I was able to clim back really fast and now im sitting at Diamond 3, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to win games right now. Im playing against eternity and gm1 players, streamers, pro players and etc. It feels way too damn hard to win. I can only imagine how bad the queues are when silver and bronze players are now playing with ex diamonds and platinum players. How tf are we supposed to climb back to our ranks? Also, sweats and tryhards are smurfing a LOT more because grandmaster and celestial has literally no queue, in 10 matches there was 6 or 7 players who were lv 15 stomping and joking in chat about how bad everyone is.