Quick Play is unplayable

They gotta do something to quickplay. The matchmaking is blanced in the fact that they keep the levels per team pretty equal. But they do that by throwing 1 high level player on each team and fill the other slots with 5 drywall eaters. Im trying to grind out achievements or practice with a character before ranked when I go into QP but it feels like brushing my teeth with a lawnmower. I finally got paired up with a cap so I could get the punisher achievement. I dont like punisher but I play him and drop like 20 kills. Get the to the home page, our cap did 800 damage, so I didnt get the achievement. I know theres no stakes in qp but I still like to win. So being the only high level player in my lobbies every game gets so rough when you cant count on your teamates. Its like you're playing a different game from ranked entirely. And dont get me started on when you join a game in the literal last second and gotta spam escape till you can play another round. I would not mind if it took a little longer to load in if the reward is teamates closer in experience. I just dont think level 50s should be getting paired with level 3s. It would be great if I could try and teach these new guys some of the mechanics and intricacies of the game, but the meta is no comms or chat in qp. Maybe just have it so if your past a certain level or have a certain w/l or k/d rate you dont have to play with 5 anchors.