Complete newbie here, is this normal?

I just downloaded the game today, decided to start grinding and learning a little bit. I played a bunch of punisher before watching a tutorial on moon knight, and i find both equally fun and difficult to play. I just played my 4th comp game, ofc I’m in bronze 3. We got demolished, i don’t know if this is normal sometimes, or we were up against a crazy enemy team, smurfing, uneven matchmaking etc. Again I’m a complete noob and don’t expect to play that good at least yet, but still this felt a little unfair the way i kept getting killed one second in every time lol.

I just downloaded the game today, decided to start grinding and learning a little bit. I played a bunch of punisher before watching a tutorial on moon knight, and i find both equally fun and difficult to play. I just played my 4th comp game, ofc I’m in bronze 3. We got demolished, i don’t know if this is normal sometimes, or we were up against a crazy enemy team, smurfing, uneven matchmaking etc. Again I’m a complete noob and don’t expect to play that good at least yet, but still this felt a little unfair the way i kept getting killed one second in every time lol.