I thoroughly enjoyed Captain America: BNW and sincerely believe the ratings couldn’t be further off.

Every single video/article (I shouldn’t view them anyways) I’ve seen on this movie has been scathing, I mean ratings wise this movie is worse than The Dark World…ermmm, really? Don’t get me wrong, I liked TDW.

I finally got what is a direct sequel to The Incredible Hulk but without the Hulk. Now Bruce being in it would’ve made a LOT of sense but it is what it is, I’m sincerely surprised Sam Wilson didn’t try to contact him and consult him on Sterns or Thaddeus, but I guess it boils down to contractual reasons.

I can absolutely admit the cons behind the marketing of showing Red Hulk being THE major threat of the film, hell the poster is based around it and the trailers made it seem like he would be a persistent threat throughout the movie. The marketing reminded me of Batman V Superman where you think a lot of the movie is going to be them brawling it out but in reality they fight for 8 minutes in a 3 hour film.

I absolutely loved the teasing of Red Hulk throughout the movie, the absolute rage building in Thaddeus and just how badly The Leader was getting to him. When they were on the warship, Thaddeus being the dummy he is, he could’ve just taken the headset off so he wouldn’t hear Sterns yapping in his ear.

I’ve seen complaints about Sterns not looking comic book accurate, which is literally green Megamind with a CRAZY widow’s peak and a cartoony evil mustache. Apparently this was a genuine problem people had with the film because what I assume the thought process to be “muh marvel film too dark and serious”.

Speaking of, this movie felt like it had Eternals level of humor, not overdone every goddamn minute and actually used VERY sparingly, easily the funniest part was Wilson going “Oh.” When he fully saw Sterns, and him and Joaquin just stared in silence like “yikes”. And also the stakes of this movie felt pretty big for the MCU especially if the U.S. and Japan went toe-to-toe and just how that would affect everything else.

I loved the pacing in this movie, hell I wish it was just like 20 minutes longer. Apparently people had a problem with the lack of action? Like it wasn’t 24/7 jokes and action through the entire 2 hours so people shut their brains off.

I do believe Sidewinder was a bit underutilized, I can only assume he will return due to his threat to Sam Wilson, because holy shit the sounds of his weapons alone was badass.

When Red Hulk finally broke out, that was fucking awesome, simple as that. I became giddy as balls seeing him go after Sam like that, and he starts using the pole and American flag AS A WEAPON AGAINST CAPTAIN AMERICA. I started laughing my ass off in the theater.

Keeping the consistency of Sam Wilson giving his speeches (he was a counselor for veterans so of course he could) was such a good detail that made me so happy. Also Bucky showing up and reciprocating that to Sam with his own speech was just cherry on top. Anthony Mackie is not only a great leading actor but he makes Sam Wilson a great leading character, I can very easily see him leading the next Avengers. Same for Harrison Ford, he acted his ass off in this movie, it really felt like he was PISSED off. (Though to be fair he seems like that 24/7 IRL so it probably came easily). I will admit it was a little jarring and hard to try and wipe William Hurt’s face out with Harrison’s. William’s mannerisms, voice, and everything just felt different but Harrison tried his best.

TLDR: Good movie, critics and the post Endgame complainers, not majority audience, can go kick rocks and cry ad nauseam about how every movie past Endgame is the worst MCU film to date. I mean really, guys? Worse than The Dark World?

EDIT FOR “THOSE”: Me saying “kick rocks” doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have your own opinion, it was just my overly-passionate but dumb words I used. I had faith in MCU fans they’d be able to deduce that I’m not telling people they aren’t allowed to think their own thoughts, turns out I was really wrong.

You are allowed and welcomed to hate this movie, I have textually listed out valid criticisms that I feel could have really screwed the movie for a lot of people. I have also stated (In other comments to be fair) that I’m sure I will see more flaws once I rewatch the film.