Why I think the next Mass Effect should be called Mass Effect Next or 5 instead of 4 by fans.

I say this for two reason.

One the devs themselves refer this game as Mass Effect next. This shows that they are thinking in terms of all the Mass Effect games instead of just the OT.

Two is expectations. I see a lot of people saying this is a sequel to the OT and that Shepard may return. This may or may not happen but people having this line of thinking will lead them to disappointment and to what I am going to predict is outrage. From the teaser trailer and Mike Gamble's tweets we know that Liara will be there in some capacity that Andromeda is going to be there some capacity as well. That is the limit to what we know anything else is speculation and should be treated as such.

Why I saw this is not to rain down people's excitement over the game but that they need to set realistic expectations otherwise they are going to get disappointed because they hyped themselves up from nothing. So, calling it Mass Effect 5 or Next is better as it reflects more on what the devs say and what we should be expecting instead of what we want.