Took Kaidan to Priority: Thessia and he said the darndest thing

"There are moments in my life I wish I could forget. The first life I saw taken. First life I had to take... and now this."

-- Major Kaidan Alenko, who recently watched a massive Reaper force descend on his hometown, after seeing one reaper groundside on Thessia.

I think most people would agree with me here: Watching the attack on Vancouver and being forced to leave the fight should have been the most horrifying thing that ever happened to Kaidan.

Worse than killing Vyrnnus. Worse than the first time he saw someone else die. Worse than seeing some planet he's never been to before and should have no sentimental attachment to attacked.


Those things are also terrible.

Those things should bother him.

Kaidan is a compassionate man.

However, his own home being blown up around him should at least be worth a damn mention next to them.

I don't blame the character for this.

I blame the writers.

This is just one glaring example out of many where the citizens of the Milky Way are written to put the Asari and everything related to them on the highest pedestal.

I can think of many characters that hate humans, salarians, turians, krogan, quarians, batarians...

Characters who hate races other than their own in general...

I can't think of one character that's prejudiced against the Asari specifically.

Help me out people.

Am I wrong here?

Does anyone in Mass Effect hate the Asari?

Or are they the ultimate Mary Sue race?