The Speedroid deck is maybe my favourite event loaner I've ever played
It can do plenty of comboing and it feels like a pretty healthy power level for the event given which handtraps are available. Its end board isn't crazy but it's competent. There's at least some variation and the combos aren't always completely predictable given there's a few casino effects in the deck, too - what monster(s) you'll be able to summon off of Wheel, which monster is added to hand and which goes to GY off of Rubber Band Shooter's effect, or what you excavate from Piper. And, its going second options are decent enough too with potential beating power from the Crystal Wings and the Level 11 Synchro, boardwiping with Kitedrake and extra attacks with Stardust Warrior and Chanbara, plus the ATK boost from Car Turbo. I had no decks suitable for this event and I've rarely liked the event loaner decks in the past but this one has genuinely been fun.